6 Ways to Help Your Child Build Credit During College

College students have a lot on their plate already, including the need to study to get good grades, participating in any number of on-campus activities and potentially working part-time to have some spending money. That said, college students should also focus on their financial future, including steps they can take to build credit before they…

5 Best Identity Theft Protection Services of 2024

The best identity theft protection services can help you prevent all kinds of fraud and financial mayhem, such as someone hacking into your brokerage account or using your information to file a tax return in your name. Better yet, many of the top companies that offer identity theft protection extend up to $1 million dollars…

How to Build Your Credit Score

Your credit score can have a dramatic impact on your life, and that’s true regardless of your age, your gender, and where you live. After all, a good credit score can make it possible to purchase a home or finance a car so you can get to work. Bad credit or poor credit, on the…

7 Best Credit Repair Companies of 2024

The best credit repair companies have the skills and experience to help you with your credit, whether you have late payments, judgments on your credit report, or even accounts in default. While you definitely have the right to negotiate with your creditors yourself, credit repair companies can take on this grunt work for you, completing…

How to Remove Collections From Your Credit Report

Key Takeaways: No one can legally remove correct information from your credit reports. If collection activity on your credit reports is incorrect, there is a formal process you can use to dispute it. In many cases, paying off debts in collections can help you have the information removed from your credit reports early. With no…

Personal Finance Facts and Statistics

It’s often said that “numbers don’t lie.” If so, what does that reveal about personal finance in the USA? To answer that question, we’ve prepared this analysis of personal finance facts and statistics to help you understand approximately where you are in comparison with other Americans. The information revealed in our analysis isn’t intended to…

Best Credit Card to Build Credit When You Have None

While learning to use credit responsibly can be a challenge, the best credit cards for building credit can help. Cards geared to consumers with limited credit history or imperfect credit are often easier to qualify for, so they give you the chance to build credit when other cards won’t. Not only that, but some cards…