Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA: Understand the Difference

The Roth IRA vs. traditional IRA – they’re basically the same plan, right? Not exactly. While they do share some similarities, there are enough distinct differences between the two that they can just as easily qualify as completely separate and distinct retirement plans. To clear up the confusion between the two, let’s look at where…

How to Retire at 50 in 7 Easy Steps

Early retirement has become a popular financial goal. And well it should be. Even if you never retire early, just knowing that you can is liberating! And it may just be the strategy that frees you up to take on even bigger challenges in life. That can happen when you reach the point where you…

How to Check Your 401(k) Balance

The 401(k) plan is the largest asset many investors own, accounting for 34.1% of their total net worth, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Regularly checking your 401(k) account can help you stay on top of your investments and make sure that your money is working for you in the best way possible. What Is…

Pre-tax vs Roth (After-Tax) 401(k) Contributions

A major decision in retirement planning is whether to make pre-tax or Roth (after-tax) 401k contributions. Pre-tax contributions go into your retirement account with money that has not been taxed, and then taxes will be paid when the funds are withdrawn in retirement. With Roth contributions, taxes will be taken from the money prior to…

Can You Lose Money in a Roth IRA?

I’m a big fan of the Roth IRA, and investors who understand its massive tax-free benefits are also. Recently a reader sent in this question about it: “I’ve been investing in a Roth IRA for several years thanks to your blog! I initially started in a basic index fund but after doing more research I…